Frank Bowling exhibit at the MFA in Boston

Frank Bowling exhibit at the MFA in Boston

Recently I went to the MFA in Boston to see the Cy Twombly exhibit. I started by checking out the Frank Bowling exhibit on the way. Wow!  So glad I did. What a joy. His use of colors and layers was so satisfying. I felt I was sitting down to a five course meal. 

Looking West Again, acrylic on canvas,

Each decade has seen changes in his methods but his sense of bold layers of color persist.


Middle Passage, acrylic on canvas, 11′ x 9′

He uses silhouette images of continents and his mother’s house along with flag colors to speak of roots in his life. 

Frank Bowling’s American, acrylic on canvas
Suncrush, acrylic on canvas

His recent works include embedded found objects such as muscle shells and a tube from his recent surgery to create texture and interest. 

detail of 4 Bensusi (his kids)

I finally dragged myself away to see the Cy Twombly exhibit. It was wonderful but the images and vibrancy of Sir Frank Bowling stuck with me. 

The show is up till April 9th, 2023, it is well worth the trip!