MGNE One of a Kind Members Exhibit

MGNE One of a Kind Members Exhibit

By Stephanie Roberts-Camello

On the South Shore of Massachusetts, the COVID numbers are down and the mask mandates have been lifted, so on March 3rd I ventured out to an unmasked opening at the South Shore Art Center, in Cohasset, Mass., to see “One of a Kind”, a juried show presented by the Monotype Guild of New England. I had two reasons for going. First, our group New England Wax has five members in the show and second, I went on the SSAC website to see the accepted works which held a lot of appeal in terms of color and complicated layering within abstract imagery. Monotypes have come a long way!

Debra Claffey’s “Repair” was awarded an Honorable Mention.

The show was juried by Catherine Kernan, co-founder of Mixit Print Studio. Her juror’s statement really says it all:

Making selections as a juror is an awesome responsibility, awesome in the sense of bestowing or withholding approval on personal and intuitive decisions in the making of art.

As I initially scanned, and then went more slowly entry by entry through the 267 submissions to the MGNE One-of-a-Kind Members exhibit, I was impressed by the variety of visions and techniques, the complexity of some approaches, and the limpid clarity of others. The artwork submitted clearly manifested a high level of personal dedication and commitment by members of MGNE.

As I made selections for prizes and honorable mentions, some common themes emerged. Circles appear surprisingly often. Rotational movements animate a number of the prints. Energetic linear pathways lead the eye on a visual journey through many others. They all have a kinesthetic engagement that seems to result from respect for materials and the freedom to manipulate the processes-to cut and glue and wipe and overprint.

For awarding prizes, I gravitated toward prints where I felt an internal interplay between structure and spontaneity that allows for the free flow of energy. Each one glows with unique character and conviction.

MGNE is an impressive organization that has proved its worth in the art landscape of New England. Every member of MGNE and every print in this exhibition deserves an Honorable Mention. I am pleased with the quality and integrity of the exhibition and with the excellent installation, and I am honored to have been chosen to act as juror.

The following images are from our group New England Wax:

Soosen Dunholter, Remembering
Jeanne Borofsky, Rabbit Ears
Kay Hartung, Tangled Pods 3
Lelia Weinstein, Stokes Dreams

Sizes and prices are listed on their website where you can purchase the artwork directly!
Go to

A few other favorites of mine, although there are many more:

S. Denniston, Terminus of Glacier No.1
C. Benemen, City Shadows
P. DeSimone, Blood Moon
C. Bohrer, Notesill

This is a lively show with perfect timing for the upcoming spring weather! You can wear a mask or not and feel a much needed joy after this long hiatus of ‘hunkering down” and ”staying safe”.

I know that I am ready to get out of my hole!

One of a Kind
A juried show presented by the Monotype Guild of New England
Juried by Catherine Kernan, printmaker, painter and co-founder of Mixit Print Studio

February 24 – April 2, 2022 • 119 Ripley Road • Cohasset • MA 02025 • H: Monday – Saturday: 10 – 4

Virtual Reception: Wednesday, March 9, 7 pm Click here to register.