NEW Members' Listings for August and September 2016

NEW Members’ Listings for August and September 2016

Dona Mara 
The Lake, Poultney Art Center, Poultney, VT

Pat Gerkin
Liminal States, two-person show with Cynthia Fisher, 
L’Attitudes Gallery,
SOWA, 460-C Harrison Ave., Boston, MA, 
August 5 – August 31; opening reception: August 5, 5:30 – 8:30PM

altered terrain

Hello, My Name is… Addicted to Art, McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord, NH, July 5 – August 19

Summer Seduction, Art3Gallery, Manchester, NH, July 18 – September 1

Dive Into Summer!, Powers Gallery, Acton, MA, June 18 – September 5



Jeanne Borofsky
Balancing Acts, Twiggs Gallery, 254 King Street , Boscawen, NH
July 30 – September 4; opening reception: Thursday, August 4, 5-7 PM 

This and That, Grace Chapel Gallery, 59 Worthen Rd., Lexington, MA
July 10 – September 4 

calculating sunrise

Heather Douglas
Summer ExhibitionVytlacil Campus, 241 Kings Highway, Orangeburg, NY, 
July 16 – September 18 

trash talk

Dietlind Vander Schaaf
Exhalation, solo exhibition, Vestibule 594, Portland, Maine,\
September 1 – October 28; opening reception: September 2, 5-8pm 

Boketto II


Elizabeth Harris
12 x 12 Members’ Exhibition, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA, August 5 – September 24

National Association of Women Artists 125th Annual Members’ Exhibition, Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery, New York, NY, September 3 – September 24

Mary Schein Fall Salon, Cambridge Art Association, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge, MA, September 9 – September 28

Paint Pulse Magazine, September issue

Encaustic and graphite on canvas and panel

Stephanie Roberts Camello
New England Collective Vll, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA, 
August 3 – 28

Blanche Ames National Art Exhibit, The Ames Mansion, North Easton, MA, 
September 20 – October 8

Soosen Dunholter
Balancing Acts, Twiggs Gallery, 254 King Street, Boscawen, NH  
July 30 – September 4; opening reception: Thursday, August 4, 5-7 pm.

Rock, Paper, Scissors: 50 Years of Exeter Fine Crafts, 
September 7 – October 15; opening reception: Friday, September 16, 5-7 pm, artist talk: Saturday, September 17, 10 -12

Debra Claffey
Balancing Acts, Twiggs Gallery, Boscawen, NH, July 30 – September 4; opening reception: August 4, 5-7 pm

Kellie Weeks
Solo Show: New Works, Sitka Gallery, Fitchburg, MA, September 2-30; opening reception: September 10, 1-4pm



New England Wax Group Exhibition 
Vision + Verse, University of New England Art Gallery, Portland, ME, 
July 6 – October 2; opening reception: July 6, 5-7 pm


Dona Mara, Quiet Fire, Encaustic, oil, and paper on panel, 18" x 18", 2016 in response to Fire and Ice by Robert Lee Frost
Participating Artists: Trina Abbott, Hollandra Berube, Jeanne Borofsky, Debra Claffey, Pamala Crabb, Kimberly Curry, Angel Dean, Pamela DeJong, Joanne Desmond, Heather Douglas, Soosen Dunholter, Helene Farrar, Pat Gerkin, Jeanne Griffin, Kay Hartung, Sue Katz, Dona Mara, Susan Paladino, Ruth Sack, Donna Hamil Talman, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Willa Vennema, Catherine Weber, Kellie Weeks, Lelia Stokes Weinstein, Charyl Weissbach