Nick Cave at the Guggenheim Museum
The Nick Cave show Forothermore at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC might be the most memorable I have ever seen. For years, I have marveled at pictures of Cave’s varied art, the busyness of it, and the obsessive nature of the materials. I was always taken in by the look and the craft of it, imagining an artist with extra human energy. The grand scale of his works made for a breathtaking experience. Just looking at Cave’s works would be enough to excite me and make me think. However, the museum’s wall descriptions of what has fueled Cave’s work add to their power and excitement.
Cave, a gay Black man, is also a dancer and performance artist, best known for his Soundsuits. The brutal beating of Rodney King in 1991, and other racial injustices had a profound effect on him. Cave, feeling vulnerable, noticed that twigs and sticks made rustling noises when in motion. He said he wanted to protect himself with a “second skin, or a suit of armor” which “erases gender, race, and class.” These suits are also meant to empower the person wearing them. Soundsuit, the name of the first, made entirely of twigs, is about 9 feet tall. Others are taller. Cave uses beads, wire, sequins, buttons, toys, ornaments, furniture, and more in his wildly creative Soundsuits series, and other works.
“I use my art as a vehicle for change. I’m interested in thinking about art as an array of vast options. Like, how can this work serve as a catalyst for intervention? I want my work to be defined by the greatest effect I can have on the world.”
Cave is involved with community action groups, and often stages “convenings”, where he brings together dancers, musicians, poets, and others to perform and have discussions. Signs on a wall in the Forothermore show list the names of the many people who help Cave make his art, in multiple workspaces in Chicago. I no longer imagine Cave a solitary maniacal genius making elaborate sculptures; he’s a genius who expands on his imagination with the grateful help of others.
This exhibit is up till April 10, 2023 so you still have time to visit!
by Nancy Whitcomb, member of New England Wax
Nick Cave is an amazing artist! I am so glad I saw his soundsuits at the ICA in Boston a few years ago. Thank you for sharing this show Nancy!
I saw the show a few weeks ago. Fantastic!
The many layered responses to seeing Nick Cave’s work resoundingly ring for me. I first saw his work at Mass Moca where he commanded various rooms with vast sculptures and projected videos. I have followed him since then and his often humble words of gratitude to all who help him build his ideas are beautiful.
I’m inspired to see this show. I love the idea of channeling diverse creative people’s energy. Thanks for the review
I’ve been a huge fan of his since I saw one of his sound suits on the cover of American Craft magazine many years ago. The mobility of these suits made them portable and sharable with the public. At first this work was considered craft. Finally it is appreciated for its meaning and aesthetic. I can’t wait to sere what he does next. Actually, I can’t wait to see what he’s already done at the Guggenheim
Thanks, Nancy for this beautiful post
Great article Nancy. I have also been inspired by his work at Mass Moca.
Has anyone heard of the artist Venessa German? She is like the female version of Nick Cave…
Great review Nancy! Thanks so much..
Oh wow!!!!!!! Thanks so much Nancy for sharing this!
One of my favorites. Thanks for the excellent post Nancy!
Thank you Nancy for this review. I’ve followed Nick Caves work for years but I am really intrigued by his new direction.